Aluminum or steel yacht building?

Bering B92 Steel Explorer Yacht

At Bering Yachts, ocean-going trawlers are built with steel hulls. When it comes to the hull of an explorer yacht, steel hulls are a much better choice than aluminum. There are a number of reasons for this, but first and foremost, aluminum is not designed for long, transoceanic cruising. On the other hand, steel is incredibly durable and doesn't require any special treatment to withstand thousands of miles during a single trip. Although aluminum also has its advantages, the choice is clear when it comes to an Explorer & Trawler.

Disadvantages of aluminum hulls compared to steel hulls

While aluminum is an excellent choice for much of the rest of boat building, it is not the best material when used for the hull. There are several disadvantages to using aluminum for the hull when building a superyacht. First of all, aluminum is much more expensive than steel. Aluminum costs about $1500 per ton (2021), while steel costs only $50 per ton (2021). For those looking for the highest quality yacht money can buy, aluminum might seem like the smarter choice simply because it is more expensive. However, this is not the case. There are many advantages that aluminum cannot offer compared to yachts with steel hulls. Steel is easier to weld than aluminum, making it easier to repair steel vessels. Aluminum welding requires specialized equipment and expertise, which can result in higher costs and a longer time commitment.

Steel ship hulls last longer

Aluminum boat hulls need special corrosion protection to stop corrosion. They need a special bottom paint because copper, found in most antifouling bottom paints, will corrode the yacht on its own. This also plays a role in the fact that aluminum is not built to withstand long, worldwide voyages without becoming corroded

Aluminum boat hulls affect the comfort

For a luxury, multi-million dollar Explorer yacht, comfort is critical. The lack of comfort that comes with aluminum hulls is the result of the lightweight nature of aluminum. For this reason, many yacht owners prefer the extra weight and integrity that only steel-hulled vessels can give you.

Advantages of steel boat hulls

Compared to aluminum hulls, steel hulls have much better abrasion resistance. Abrasion resistance is the ability of a material to withstand stresses such as friction, scuffing or erosion that remove material from the surface over time. High abrasion resistance allows the steel, and therefore the hull, to retain its original shape and structure.

In addition, steel is used in many more applications than just boat building, making the material easier to find. Owners of boats with an aluminum hull might find it difficult to find the necessary repairs for their boat. Owners of boats with steel hulls don't have to worry about this, as most shipyards will have the necessary materials on hand to repair the boat (if, contrary to expectations, damage occurs). The higher weight of steel boats also contribute to increased stability and a more comfortable ride, especially in rough conditions and heavy seas.

You have a choice; aluminum or steel yacht building?


Hybrid hull design for more efficiency


GRP or steel yacht purchase ?