What is a yacht transport ship?
To take advantage of two seasons within a year or to travel to the most remote places in the world without much planning and time constraints, yacht transport companies offer special ships. Semi-submersibles are exciting vessels. With their unique float-on/float-off loading, they have a transatlantic transport time of 15 days on average and can transport yachts up to 170 meters in length, loaded in impressive numbers at the transport company's dock. The vessel is transformed into a floating marina by submerging, making loading easier. When all the yachts are moored in place, the Yacht Transporter begins the docking process.
Once the deck is dry, the yachts are secured to the deck and ready for safe transfer. During the yacht transport, the yachts are safely stowed between the ship's splash guards, protecting them from the elements. The benefits of booking a yacht transport include efficient transfer times, insured passage through marine cargo insurance, customs and clearance assistance.