Stainless steel on board yachts: Advantages, processing and alternatives

Stainless steel is a widely used material in the yacht industry and is used for a variety of applications on board yachts.

Advantages of stainless steel on board yachts

  • Corrosion resistance: Stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for use in salty marine environments where yachts typically operate.

  • Strength and durability: Stainless steel is a strong and durable material that can withstand the high loads and stresses on board yachts.

  • Low maintenance: stainless steel is easy to clean and maintain, which helps reduce maintenance for yacht owners.

  • Aesthetics: Stainless steel gives yachts a modern and elegant look that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

  1. Stainless steel processing on yachts

Stainless steel can be processed in various ways and used for different applications on board yachts:

  • Welding: Stainless steel can be welded to create structures and joints that provide strength and stability.

  • Bending and Shaping: Stainless steel is easy to bend and shape, so it can be used for a variety of applications such as railings, brackets and fittings.

  • Polishing and grinding: The surface of stainless steel can be polished and ground to achieve a shiny, mirror-like finish that enhances the appearance of yachts.

  1. Alternatives to stainless steel

Although stainless steel offers numerous advantages, there are also alternatives that can be used in the yacht industry:

  • Aluminum: Aluminum is lighter than stainless steel and also offers good corrosion resistance. However, it is less robust and can be more susceptible to damage.

  • Titanium: Titanium is another corrosion-resistant material used in the yacht industry. It is lighter and stronger than stainless steel, but also more expensive.

  • Plastics: High performance plastics such as PVC and nylon can be used for certain applications where weight reduction and flexibility are important. However, they are less robust and durable than stainless steel.

Bering Yachts recognizes the importance of stainless steel in the yachting industry and has therefore established its own stainless steel workshop to produce high quality stainless steel work in-house. This allows Bering Yachts to closely control the quality and precision of its stainless steel components and ensure that finished products meet the high standards expected by its customers.

Bering Yachts' in-house stainless steel workshop produces various stainless steel parts, including railings, bollards, cleats and many other components required for yacht construction and outfitting. By integrating the stainless steel workshop into the production process, Bering Yachts can increase efficiency and ensure that the individual requirements of each project are met.

A special type of stainless steel known as "marine grade" is often used for maritime applications. Marine Grade stainless steel, such as the widely used Type 316 or A4, offers greater corrosion resistance and is particularly well suited for use in saline environments where yachts typically operate. Bering Yachts uses this marine grade stainless steel to ensure that their yachts can withstand the extreme conditions at sea while providing the highest level of quality and durability.

Stainless steel on yachts

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